
Winter 2025 Programme

ARTscapades is delighted to bring you this unique and exciting programme of art through talks by expert speakers. We continue to be grateful for your support which enables profits from our ticket sales to help UK museums and arts-based organisations.

Join us for the first of our special curator talks on this winter’s unmissable exhibitions, an introduction to Drawing the Italian Renaissance at the King’s Gallery with Martin Clayton. Discover English portrait miniatures in The Reflective Self at Compton Verney with Emma Rutherford and Oli McCall.

Explore the art of India through V&A’s sumptuous The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence in our Study Evening with exhibition curator Susan Stronge.

Alexandra Loske looks at colour in The Artist’s Palette; British Museum curators Akiko Yano and Rosina Buckland discuss Japanese art and society in Salon Culture in Japan: Making Art. Bloomsbury radical Vanessa Bell is the focus of our talk by Wendy Hitchmough.

By popular request, author Martin Gayford returns with a second talk on his most recent book How Painting Happens and T J Clark considers the efficacy of art as a political instrument. In a new Virtual Walk, Katie Wignall explores the tunnels, rivers and ruins underneath London.

Immerse yourself in our Italian theme this season with Desmond Shawe-Taylor’s study evening Mother of the Arts: Italy in the Royal Collection — and ARTscapades’ short course Four Sienese Artists with Richard Stemp based on the National Gallery’s upcoming exhibition Siena: The Rise of Painting.

All events take place via Zoom Webinar and can be watched live including Q&A. Ticket holders will be emailed a link to join 24 hours in advance. In case you can’t make it on the day, ticket holders will also receive a link to view a recording of the talk, which will be available for one month.

Ticket proceeds go to help support UK museums, galleries and other arts-based organisations.

If you missed booking a ticket to a recent online event you can purchase a link by visiting our on-demand Recordings page.

Please be sure to subscribe to our E-newsletter updates by joining our mailing list below!

Looking for a present? Click here for details on giving an ARTscapades talk as a gift.

If you have any queries or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Recording Links
If you missed booking a ticket to a recent online event by expert curators and speakers, you can purchase a link to the on-demand recording by visiting our Recordings page. Over the holiday period, we have extended our selection of events for viewing through 31 January 2025.