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SHORT COURSE | The Scrovegni Chapel from top to bottom (Week Three) | Richard Stemp

Giotto, The entry into Jerusalem, c. 1305, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua.

Giotto, The entry into Jerusalem, c. 1305, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua.


Week Three

Of all the decorative schemes in world art, the frescoes by Giotto (1267-1337) in Padua must be among the most coherent and most profound. Learn about their origins in this enlightening short course led by art historian and National Gallery educator Dr. Richard Stemp; discover the meaning of each image, and, by considering the ways in which they relate to one another, understand the full extent of Giotto’s genius.

The final lecture will consider Christ’s life and afterlife, recounting his progress after he left his mother’s side, and the path he took through holy week, the passion and beyond. When all of the individual scenes have been introduced, participants in the course will understand Giotto’s brilliant placing of every image, and synthesise his remarkable achievement to bring to light the overall message of the chapel.